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During my career, I have found jobs for hundreds of people, making me very successful. So please, let me return the favour. Here’s how I read your CV.
First off, think about how you approach your CV.
If they can’t give you a clear picture of who that person is, of how much they struggled, how much they cared – and how far they have come, this should set off alarm bells.
Here’s the bottom line – when someone reads your CV, it’s not having the impact it should.
Let me put this another way:
Restaurants have many things in common. They all offer a place to sit, staff to take your order, dishes to choose from, restrooms to use, and so on.
In every city in the world, there are literally thousands of restaurants trying to get your attention and your custom.
The important thing here is what each restaurant is doing to catch your attention, and make you want more. Their differentiation, if you will.
It’s not about having a 20-page menu that nobody reads.
It’s not about having nice décor.
It’s not just price competitiveness.
(although these things are, of course, nice to have)
It’s all the little, useful things that the restaurant is doing to ensure the lights stay on in their business and that you come back for more.
It’s all the details you include on your CV that make your future employer want more of you.
So – what do I look at on a CV? I have 10 seconds.
And that, is it.
In Austria, we have noticed that they often miss good candidates simply because their CV doesn’t present the facts in a way that makes it easy to form a picture of the person.
Once you’ve run your CV by another person, what are the next steps?
Do these things and you are already one-step closer to becoming a compelling candidate.
And the ultimate test to know when your CV is ready?
The reader’s eyes will be shining…
Interested in getting more advice from one of my team? Feel free to get in touch and send us your CV.